Expose Facebook object type (including private objects)


This bug could allow an attacker to disclose the object type of a Facebook object ID supplied. This works for all objects supported by the Facebook API ( depending on the application which generated the access token too). This would also bypass any permission policies to view this object which means private objects like photos/videos … will work.


Due to the ability to brute-force the ids fast, this could allow an attacker to generate a dataset which contains a pair of Facebook object id and object type. Having that, he can label these objects for future attacks. ( eg: the attacker finds a bug that can get private photos, he can directly exploit this with the ids he has that match the object Photo and which are private or public)

Reproduction Steps

1) For this bug, it’s preferred to use a test account because the test account doesn’t have viewing capabilities for objects like pages/photos/users in the main Facebook. However, using this bug this could be bypassed which means that the bug works.

2) It’s preferred to use a first-party access_token in the bruteforcing below since it doesn’t have number of requests limitations.

1) Visit https://graph.facebook.com/v7.0/schema/*XXXX/.. ( dots are included)

where XXXX is the Facebook object id.

You should get “message”: “No such class: OBJECT_TYPE” where OBJECT_TYPE is the type of the object we supplied its id before

(PS : The dots can be any string. )

Please note that these ids will return null if we query them using graph.facebook.com/graphql?q=node(ID){__typename}

Some of the objects types i got:

AdAccountActivity, AdCampaignActivity, AdgroupActivity, AdReportRunV2, Album, AppLinkHost, AudioPublishingRightsData, BusinessPersona, CatalogItemOverride, CommerceMerchantSettings, ContactField, ContextualProfileBase, CrisisUserInfo, CTCert, CustomDataProperty, DeviceNotification, DynamicPriceConfigByDate, FileDescriptor


May 22, 2020— Report Sent 
May 28, 2020—  Acknowledged by Facebook
Jun 10 , 2020— Fixed by Facebook
Jun 11, 2020 — $500 bounty awarded by Facebook.