Expose information about Partner accounts in Partner portal


This bug could allow an attacker to expose some information about a Partner account in Partners Portal by only knowing the partner_id which could be collected online. The information could disclose the partner name, region, locale, country, portal type and admins depending if the partner has subscribers.


This could be used to know if a certain ISP/Mobile and other types of partners, are using Facebook Partner Portal and an attacker may use this information to target these companies by collecting the information from this bug.

Reproduction Steps

Send a POST request to https://www.facebook.com/api/graphql/ without cookies and with the following variable:

q=node(PARTNER_ID){partner_name,partner_unique_name,partner_portal_type,country,locale,region, subscribers,type}

the subscribers may return some ids but depending on portal type. Other fields may be leaking information too but i only got those from bruteforcing the fields.


May 12, 2020— Report Sent 
Feb 5, 2021—  Acknowledged by Facebook:
This wasn’t acknowledged at first due to some patches done to GraphQL and the bug was kept unfixed (but can’t be exploited for a while) for less than a year. The Facebook team acknowledged this was valid after reaching them about his again and handled it immediately.
Feb 5, 2021 — $3600 bounty awarded by Facebook. (including bonuses)
Feb 11 , 2020— Fixed by Facebook